I love what I do, and every job is a new experience. I thank God for all of my experiences, especially when it involves charity. If I'm able to do anything to make a difference, I make myself available, and so does a super star like Michelle Williams! She was invited to San Diego for her participation in a non-profit event for an organization called TERI. TERI stands for Training, Education & Research Institute. It's an entire lifestyle dedicated to serving individuals with special needs, development and learning disabilities and their families. With 1 and 110 children now being diagnosed with autism, the need for these services is monumental. Check out a few behind the scenes shots below.

I had the pleasure of spending the day with Michelle as she met the CEO and founder of TERI, Cheryl Kilmer and rode a horse for the first time on one of the properties.

I was actually able to meet a few of the children, and see how TERI's program has helped to shape their lives. It was heart warming to say the least, and I really enjoyed myself.

They are raising money right now to finish building the Therapeutic Equestrian Center to offer more space, rewards, and programs to all the families. If you would like to donate or find out more information, please visit
http://www.teriinc.org/ . You can also help TERI schools win $500,000 by just logging into Facebook/Kohls, search for TERI learning academy, and vote 5 times. Share this information with your friends on Facebook, and make a difference.
Here is a video of Michelle, and founder Cheryl speaking about TERI on KUSI News, San Diego. Check out her new hairstyle by the way...I was loving it all day!! Click the link to view.
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